Sustainability Policy / System for the Promotion of Sustainability
Sustainability Policy / System for the Promotion of Sustainability
dip has identified materiality for continuous improvement of corporate value. Based on our Philosophy, all employees work together to conduct business activities centered on this materiality, thereby creating high social value and economic value, and aiming to achieve sustainable improvement of corporate value.
Sustainability Policy
Under our Corporate Philosophy of “Here at dip, we want to tap into dreams, ideas and passion to create a better society,” we aim to improve our corporate value over the medium to long term and achieve continuous growth, as we contribute to a sustainable society.We will promote business activities to achieve our vision of becoming a “Labor force solution company,” and realize asociety in which everyone can experience the joy and happiness of work.
System for the Promotion of Sustainability Activities
dip has established the Sustainability Promotion Council, chaired by the Representative Director and COO and consisting of all executive officers, to engage in efforts toward the realization of a sustainable society. The Sustainability Promotion Council formulates strategies and measures based on the sustainability policy decided by the Board of Directors, and evaluates the progress once a quarter. In addition, the Board of Directors regularly receives reports from the Sustainability Promotion Council on the content of its discussions and the progress of measures, and gives instructions as necessary. In addition to proposals from the Sustainability Promotion Council, ideas from employees are also deliberated when formulating sustainability related measures.