Company History
Starting a challenge to make our dream come true
In the beginning there was no money, no office, and no colleagues. Hideki Tomita started the business from scratch with just a "dream, ideas and passion". For two and a half years he battled to raise funds, and finally was able to create the recruiting industry's first portal site despite the fact that only 18% of Japanese households had an Internet connection at the time.
1995 Started preparations for business
Tomita had the passion for venture business. He started with the basic idea that consumers require information in order to make good choices, and that access to information should be free and equal. The first incarnation of the business was rather simple; through a network of public terminals consumers could request catalogs and pamphlets on services such as English schools and wedding venues. The information would be sent to them free of charge in exchange for their personal information which would then be provided to those companies for marketing purposes. Unable to secure a loan in Aichi, his home prefecture, he moved to Tokyo to pursue his dream. The new chapter began in a small studio apartment lacking even an air conditioner.
1996.10 Certified as an individual under the Law Concerning Measures for the Promotion of the Creative Business Activities by Small and Medium sized Enterprises
1997.3 Incorporated in Nagoya with a capital of 29 million yen
Overcoming difficulties in raising funds
1997.3 dip Corporation founded
Chancing to see a program on Japan Incubation Capital, a fund established by Mr. Nambu from Pasona Group and Mr. Son from Softbank to assist young entrepreneurs, Tomita submitted his business plan. It was approved and he was able to secure funding and a workspace at Pasona's office from which, at last, he was able to establish dip Corporation.

Finding a ray of hope and overcoming difficulties
1998.1 Signed a content partner contract with IBM Japan
While conducting sales calls to expand the network of terminals, Tomita became aware that IBM Japan was working on a similar service. In a bold move, he determined to approach IBM about a partnership rather than attempt to compete with them directly. However, as a condition IBM stipulated that dip bear the cost of system development – a heavy burden indeed for a fledgling enterprise with limited capital. While the system was still under development, Tomita and a few employees began to pound the pavement promoting the planned service with such dedication that they literally wore holes in their shoes. The effort paid off and dip was able to secure some contracts with up-front payment. Upon completing the system, the company focused on the large number of requests for information on dispatch work and launched the first online "staffing job information service" in the job advertising industry, the predecessor to "".

1999.2 Received award from IBM Japan for the best content of the year
1999.8 Approved for SME startup subsidies from the Japan Small and Medium Enterprise Corporation (now known as the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation Japan)
2000.2 Certified as the first member company of the Marunouchi Frontier
Creating a society in which everyone has access to the same information
2000.10 Official launch of
At this stage dip was facing an urgent need for a further injection of capital so Tomita went to Silicon Valley to raise funds. After several months, he returned to Japan empty handed yet even more determined to realize the vision. Looking to expand the reach of the temporary job service to include access for the 80% of households that did not have an Internet connection, dip opened negotiations with Lawson Inc, which at that time had about 7,500 convenience stores across Japan. Utilizing Lawson’s network of storefront terminals ‘Loppi’ in conjunction with the Internet, dip was able to take the first step toward creating a society where everyone is able to find the same employment information.

Responding quickly to client and user needs
2001.2 Started to provide information on part-time and contracted jobs
When printed job information was the mainstream, dip began offering an information service on the internet and added part-time job information on, which enabled prompt delivery of the necessary amount of information to job seekers. This prompted a major evolution in job search.
* Baitoru was established in August 2002 to handle the growing need for a site dedicated to part time employment postings. The name Baitoru is a compilation of the words ‘baito’, meaning part-time job and ‘batoru’, the katakana rendering of the English word ‘battle’ – a reference to dip’s early sponsorship of martial arts events.

2001.9 Submitted patent application regarding method of providing recruiting information
Turning difficulties into opportunities through a change in mindset
After overcoming a partnership with the thriving Yahoo! JAPAN and its sudden termination, dip achieved a listing on the TSE Mothers. Aiming to further expand business and increase corporate value, dip embarked on large scale recruiting of new graduates and aggressive advertising investment, achieving the No. 1 growth rate in the industry.
Gaining a foothold on the track toward becoming a listed company
2001.11 Established partnership with Yahoo Japan Corporation
Efforts begun in 1998 finally came to fruition and dip began providing part-time, contract and dispatch job information under the ‘jobs’ tab on the top page of Yahoo! JAPAN. By partnering with a major portal site, dip saw a sharp increase in the number of users and customers, and sales were strong. Yet there was a feeling of uneasiness knowing that it would be impossible to depend indefinitely on traffic driven through Yahoo! JAPAN.

2003.3 Relocated headquarters to Minato, Tokyo
Realizing the necessity of independent business model
2003.12 Received notification of cancellation of partnership with Yahoo Japan Corporation
Three days before the scheduled listing on TSE Mothers, Yahoo! JAPAN abruptly informed dip of the termination of their partnership. Although becoming a listed company had been a long-cherished goal, given the circumstances, the extremely difficult decision was taken to postpone the IPO. dip had originally planned to hold a party onboard a yacht to celebrate the IPO. Instead the party was held as a graduation party from Yahoo! JAPAN, and together all the employees renewed their determination to grow the business without further assistance from Yahoo! JAPAN.
Recognizing quickly the importance of mobile networks
2004.4 Appeared on the official websites of the three major mobile phone carriers
Following meticulous preparations to break away from a business model dependent on Yahoo! JAPAN, Baitoru and job postings were among the first to appear on the official websites of mobile phone carriers.

2004.5 Increased capital to 977.7 million yen
Turning difficulties into opportunities
2004.5 Listed on TSE Mothers
The decision to postpone the IPO in order to protect existing investors bolstered their confidence, and in an impressive comeback, dip was listed in just five months after the postponement, the shortest time in the history of Japanese stocks at the time.

2004.7 Obtained Privacy Mark
Taking on the challenge of offering the first search engine service in the industry that searches recruitment websites
2004.10 Launched Job Engine service
dip launched a service that automatically gathers job information from corporate websites and enables users to view the information.

2005.10 Certified for information security standards, BS7799 and ISMS certification standards
Creating a unique corporate culture
2006.4 Started large scale recruiting of new graduates
In the ten years since being established, dip had become a listed company and developed a sound and independent business model. During this time dip had placed the focus on the development of sales know-how. But at this point the company started large scale recruiting of new graduates in order to hire and train staff who would create a unique corporate culture. Approximately 200 new graduates were hired against a little more than 350 existing employees. These employees who would inherit the corporate DNA were the most critical assets that would drive the fantastic path of growth on which the company was about the embark.
2006.12 Certified for information security management system, IS027001(JIS Q 27001)
Deploying a comprehensive promotion strategy under the slogan: “GO MAJOR”
2006 Aired first TV commercial
The airing of the first TV commercials featuring Baitoru services marked the next milestone in the aggressive advertising stance adopted by dip. The company also continued to sponsor sporting events including “TAKE ACTION” - a sports charity program. These efforts greatly improved the awareness of dip services and strengthened the brand.

Overcoming a crisis based on the belief that 'people are everything and people are assets'
dip overcame its most severe challenge to date facing down the Subprime Crisis through the combined efforts of all employees and turned the difficulty into an opportunity for growth. dip updated its Corporate Philosophy and started to promote unique initiatives aimed at making a positive contribution to society.
Facing the global financial crisis with the power of all employees
2008~9 Faced a most critical challenge in the Subprime Crisis
As one by one our competitors underwent massive restructuring in the aftermath of the Subprime Crisis, dip continued to hold fast in the belief that the best way to overcome difficulties was through the combined effort of our most important asset, the employees. Cost cutting measures - such as turning off the lights during break times - were implemented, and with great reluctance, dip also reduced the salaries of managers and transferred some employees. The remaining employees made innovative proposals such as the “Application Guarantee Service” to support clients who were struggling with reductions in recruiting budgets. dip also broadcast TV commercials to encourage the dispatch agencies and dispatch employee community that had been painted in a negative light due to extreme media coverage of the ‘Haken Mura’* Our market share increased, and through the concerted effort of all of our staff, dip was able to turn difficulties into opportunities.
* Meaning ‘Dispatch Village’, Haken Mura was a public assistance facility built by MHLW and the Tokyo metropolitan government in Hibiya Park in Tokyo. During this time of crisis approximately 500 unemployed and homeless dispatch workers converged there to receive support.
Supporting employees' efforts to advance their careers
2009.1 Launched Baitoru Employe (currently Baitoru NEXT), a job information site for full-time jobs

2009.2 Obtained Employment Agency License
Protecting the employment of dip employees through a new business of great social significance
2009.9 Launched Nurse de Hatarako
Medical and nursing are two fields that are not adversely affected by fluctuations in the economy and are in fact expected to expand as society grows. With this in mind, dip launched a job change site specializing in nursing based on a management stance of considering social good over mid to long term, while at the same time creating a buffer against possible future large-scale shock to the economy.

Continuing to offer our users the most innovative functions
2010 Added Video Service and Application Barometer features to job postings
dip on-line recruiting services, created in response to the needs of the job seeker, were completely different from job postings run by competitors that were still mainly paper based at this time. Posting video clips in conjunction with the job ads was highly innovative in the era of the flip-phone, and although the technical hurdles were high, as a pioneer in providing Internet services, dip was able to apply our unique skill set to the challenge.

Sharing the values that dip cherishes with all employees
2011.3 Renewed Corporate Philosophy “Here at dip, we want to tap into our dreams, ideas and passion to create a better society”
Improving working conditions for non-regular employees and making a contribution toward economic revitalization
2013.5 Launched Raise the Salary Campaign
dip conducted a large - scale campaign to encourage its client companies to raise salaries when recruiting new staff. dip conducted this campaign under the umbrella of Abenomics, aiming to make sure that the benefit of government policies to break through deflation would extend to part timers and allow all working people to contribute to the revitalization of the Japanese economy. dip received cooperation from many clients, and our efforts were noted by the four major newspapers in Japan.
2013.7 Certified August 10 as Baitoru Day by the Japan Anniversary Association
Committing to move forward as an entity that strives to create a better society
As dip achieved new standing as a public institution with its listing on the TSE First Section, we determined to advance into new business fields and create a better society.
2013.12 Listed on the TSE First Section
With the combined effort of all its staff members dip was able to see off many difficult challenges, including the Subprime Crisis, and reach the long-cherished goal of listing on the TSE First Section. dip made a new start with a message from President Tomita. ‘I think this is a valuable stage on which we must aspire not only to generate large sales and profits but also to create a better society’.

Covering all types of employment and supporting the diversification of women's work styles
2014.9 Launched Hatarako index
2015.3 Certified Nurse de Hatarako as a Superior Employment Agency
Supporting employees in their efforts to reach the next stage in their careers
2016.5 Rebranded Baitoru shain as Baitoru NEXT
Focusing on AI (artificial intelligence), a key technology that addresses an aging society with fewer children
2016.6 Launched AINOW, AI specialized media

2016.12 Entered the Gendai Yogo no Kiso Chishiki (Encyclopedia of Contemporary Words) with the selection of ‘Seichi Junrei’ as a top ten U-CAN buzzword for 2016
2017.3 Celebrated 20th anniversary and relocated headquarters to Roppongi Grand Tower
Cultivating new business opportunities in different sectors to create a better society
2017.4 Launched AI Accelerator, an AI specialized incubation program
Rather than embarking on a new business from scratch, dip fostered partnerships by assisting and developing startup companies through AI.Accelerator, an AI specialized incubation program, and Startup Times, an AI news media. The challenge of developing new businesses and services starts through investments in, and collaborations with, other companies.

2017.6 Established LIMEX Division in partnership with TBM Co, Ltd.
dip started a partnership with TBM Co, Ltd which produces LIMEX, a paper substitute material made from limestone. Aiming to make a social contribution through environmentally sound products, the partnership has also begun to research biodegradable plastics. dip America commenced marketing to expand this business to the United States.
Releasing new and unique features one after another
2018.3 Launched Job Experience / Workplace Visit features
Job Experience/Workplace Visit feature created to allow job seekers to get a firsthand understanding of a company before committing to contracted employment.

2018.7 Launched iScout service
Taking on the challenge of expanding to new solutions
2017.11 Acquired shares of BANQ Co., Ltd. and consolidated as a subsidiary
2017.11 Acquired shares of Jolly Good Inc. as affiliates under the equity accounting method
2017.11 Acquired shares of GAUSS, Inc. as affiliates under the equity accounting method
2018.5 Established wholly owned subsidiary dip America, Inc. in the US
2018.8 Acquired shares of hachidori, Inc. as an affiliate under the equity accounting method
2018.9 Selected as one of Asia’s Best 200 Under A Billion by Forbes Asia for the fourth year
2019.1 Acquired shares of Marketing-Robotics Inc. as an affiliate under the equity accounting method
2019.3 Acquired shares of Trunk Inc. as an affiliate under the equity accounting method
2019.5 Acquired shares of appArray Inc. as an affiliate under the equity accounting method
Evolution (2019―)
Continuing to create value under a new vision
Based on a new vision of becoming a 'Labor force solutions company' to solve various problems facing Japan in the labor market, dip aims to realize a society in which everyone can experience the joy and happiness of work.
Solving various problems in the labor market with human resource services and DX services
2019.3 Launched AI/RPA business
dip took the decision to expand beyond the job advertisement media business, which supports personnel recruiting through job ads, and launched a new business to develop and provide services leveraging AI and RPA. We leveraged AI/RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technology to evolve into a ‘Labor force solutions company’ that was able to offer new ways for our clients to meet their challenges and innovate solutions to the societal problems facing Japan today and tomorrow in the labor market.
Launching new products and services to meet demand for AI/RPA solutions
2019.9 Launched FAST RPA service KOBOT
KOBOT was a new service designed to facilitate the introduction and continuous use by SMEs, as conventional DX services were expensive and required specialized personnel to operate. KOBOT was launched under the concept of FAST RPA in that they could be quickly and easily utilized by anyone.

2019.10 Renewed Corporate Logo
2019.10 Renewed Corporate Logo
As a symbol of our evolution and the expansion of our business domain beyond the existing human resources services into the development and sales of AI/RPA services, dip was presenting a renewed logo and website.

2020.02 Opened the new office "DigiLeva" in Shibuya, Tokyo
"DigiLeva" (shortened and phonetic form of the words "Digital labor force") opens a new office in Shibuya, Tokyo, as the business base for "Digital labor force" projects.

Supporting users following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic
2020.3 Started offering economic support to fixed-term employment users during their absence from work due to infection with COVID-19
Fixed-term workers often do not enjoy the benefits of paid absence or leave allownance, and once infected with the virus, they face concern over their livelihoods in addition to the illness. To solve this situation, dip offered aid worth half a month's income, which is necessary for treatment, to those who were employed through dip's services if they became infected with COVID-19. dip also made an appeal in national newspapers that it is necessary for society as a whole to improve the conditions of fixed-term workers and protect their employment.

Offering 24/7 interview scheduling using chatbots
2020.4 Launched Interview Scheduling KOBOT
Interview Scheduling KOBOT automatically schedules recruitment interviews with applicants for part-time jobs irrespective of sector or company size.

2020.3 Selected as a component of the Nikkei 500 Stock Average for the second consecutive year
2020.11 Selected as a component of the JPX-Nikkei Index 400 for the fifth consecutive year
2021.1 Selected as a component of the FTSE Blossom Japan Index for the first time
2021.3 The AI/RPA business was renamed DX business
Supporting professionals and aspiring professionals of specialized jobs
2021.5 Launched Baitoru PRO, a comprehensive job information site for specialized jobs
Baitoru PRO is a comprehensive job information site for specialized jobs, connecting companies with those with qualification and experience and those who aim to work as professionals.

Providing information on companies offering a vaccine incentive and striving to ensure a safe and secure work environment
2021.7 Launched the Vaccine Incentive Project
By encouraging vaccination, dip helped to ensure a safe and secure workplace for job seekers and client companies.

Toward improving the conditions of workers
2021.11 Launched the dip Incentive Project
Sales reps proposed wage hikes, etc. to client companies to improve the conditions of fixed-term workers and posted the information on dip's job information sites.

2021.11 Acquired DX certification as defined by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
2021.12 Became a member of the Japan Economic Federation
2022.4 Selected as a component of the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index
2022.7 Selected as a component of major ESG indices--MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index and MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN)--for the first time
Offering objective and transparent information to job seekers
2022.5 Launched 'Message from dip-san', which shares the appeals and the realities of jobs and workplaces with job seekers
As 'dip-san', who delivers up-to-date useful information to job seekers, sales reps across Japan provides information on the appeals and realities of jobs and workplaces from an objective perspective.