Responsible Business Operation

Responsible Business Operation


dip sets forth its Anti-bribery Policy with the aim of ensuring unrestricted and fair transactions based on dip’s corporate philosophy of ‘Here at dip, we want to tap into dreams, ideas and passion to create a better society’. By clarifying and pursuing a policy that serves as the foundation of the efforts of its officers and employees to prevent corruption, dip aims to earn the trust of stakeholders and society in general. dip has posted the Anti-bribery Policy on its internal bulletin board and familiarized employees with this policy through training. 

The Audit & Supervisory Committee Members and Internal Audit and Control Office work together to audit the status of the anti-corruption system based on the annual plan and report to the Board of Directors quarterly.

Auditing and training by the Advertising Review Office to ensure that job ads have appropriate content

For companies wishing to post job ads, dip’s recruitment consultants provide comprehensive services which allow us to understand the client’s requirements, and follow-up effectively through each stage of the recruiting process. The recruitment consultants are obliged to obtain qualification from the Association of Job Information of Japan for the handing of job ads to ensure that fair and reliable services are provided to both client companies and job seekers. In addition, dip's Advertising Review Office audits job ads to check for discriminatory expressions and illegal content, such as wages that fall below the yearly adjusted minimum. This office also trains and raises awareness among our recruitment consultants, who serve as contact people for our corporate customers, through activities such as thoroughly informing them of rules on ad posting by regularly publishing internal email magazines. With these initiatives, dip has developed a system that ensures appropriate job ads and balances the rights of client companies with those of job seekers.

Recruiting and procurement outside Japan

At present, the business activities of dip are limited to Japan. We therefore do not recruit or procure workers outside Japan.