Japan’s largest portal website for part time employees
Job seekers are able to choose jobs by selecting conditions such as the desired place of work and job type from among the largest pool of job postings in Japan. Job information is updated every hour, making it is possible to match a job seeker with a company quickly due to the freshness and rich variety of content unique to the Internet. One key distinguishing feature of Baitoru is that it offers many unique services that other job websites do not have, such as the Workplace Videos that give the job seeker a look into the real work environment at a company to which they are considering applying; the Application Barometer, which shows at a glance the application status for each job offer; the Job Experience/Workplace Visit program that encourages prospective employees to make a physical visit to the company before applying, and thereby reduces the risk of a mismatch in expectations; and Scouting Mail that provides clients the opportunity to match with potential applicants by utilizing their historical data and timing.
Baitoru Official App
Job seekers are able to choose a part-time job by selecting from popular conditions that match their circumstances and expectations, including filters for short term jobs or those that pay a daily wage. With the Baitoru app, users can browse and select from part-time job offerings while commuting or during other short windows of free time. Because the Baitoru app is updated on an hourly basis, it provides the latest job postings, and is replete with information on a wide variety of popular part-time jobs, such as one day jobs, night shift work, positions that pay daily or offer high hourly rates, home tutoring and cram school teaching, and café jobs.