Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Policy

Dip respects the human rights of all people affected by its business activities in accordance with its corporate philosophy “Here at dip we want to tap into dreams, ideas and passion to create a better society" and has established the following human rights policy as a guideline for promoting company-wide efforts to respect human rights and fulfill its responsibilities.

Basic Approach

Dip understands all human rights as expressed in the International Bill of Rights* and the ILO (International Labour Organization) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We support and respect international norms such as the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, prohibition of all forms of forced labor, effective abolition of child labor, elimination of human trafficking, and elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation. In addition, we will conduct our business activities in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Children’s Rights and Business Principles developed by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the UN Global Compact, and Save the Children.

We will also comply with laws and regulations in all countries related to our business activities. If there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights norms and the laws and regulations in each country or region, we will strive to respect international human rights principles to the maximum extent possible.

*Collective term for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and two international human rights covenants (the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights).

Scope of Application

This policy covers all dip executives and employees, dip's business partners such as clients, suppliers and contractors, as well as all users of dip's job information and placement services, including fixed-term workers. We aim to ensure that this policy is understood and that human rights violations are prevented or actively discouraged throughout the dip chain of influence.

All employees enjoy the benefit of protection from any human rights violations in their business activities and are expected to avoid any direct or indirect involvement in human rights violations in their work. We will strive to implement measures in accordance with these policies and provide internal training on avoiding human rights violations.

In order to ensure that all users of our job information and recruitment services are protected from any human rights violations, including those that occur after employment, we expect our clients to act in accordance with these policies and to cooperate in developing mechanisms to address negative human rights impacts.

We also expect all partners involved in our business to act in accordance with these policies, and to cooperate in the development of mechanisms to address negative impacts on human rights by business partners, in order to evolve our services.

Respect for Human Rights

In order to fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights, dip will strive to establish and strengthen mechanisms to address negative impacts on human rights.

Specifically, dip will never tolerate discrimination or human rights violations of any kind based on gender, age, nationality, race, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity, ideology or belief, religion, social status or family origin, or differences in job type or employment status, and will not engage in or tolerate any form of harassment. In addition, we will uphold the prohibition of all forms of forced labor and child labor, as well as the prevention of human trafficking.

With regard to employees’ working hours, we will ensure proper management and strengthen appropriate responses to occupational health and safety by reducing overtime working hours. Regarding employees’ wages, we will not only comply with the minimum wage system and guarantee wages that enable employees to maintain an adequate standard of living, but also strive to ensure fair wages regardless of the employee’s employment status.

In addition, we will endeavor to protect the human rights of all people, including those who are disadvantaged by the evolution of technology and other factors, and those who are socially vulnerable. We will continue to strive to make improvements in providing equal opportunities in employment and, through our business activities, aim to realize a world where no one is left behind.

Contact point for correspondence

Dip places importance on dialogue with stakeholders, and in order to ensure transparency and a responsible reaction, dip has established mechanisms for internal and external stakeholders to report violations or actions that may violate the Human Rights Policy.

(1) "Dip Compliance Reporting and Consultation Hotline" and "Harassment Consultation Hotline" for internal reporting

Dip has established the dip Compliance Hotline and Harassment Consultation Desk to accept reports and consultations regarding violations of laws and regulations, internal rules, and human rights, including harassment. These are available to all employees with a guarantee that the privacy of those who report or consult with us is protected so that they will not suffer any disadvantage.

(2) Consultation Service for Users of Job Information Websites and Recruitment Services

We have established a human rights consultation and reporting desk for all users of our job information website and recruiting service.

(3) Consultation service for all stakeholders

A contact point for consultation and reporting on human rights has been established on the corporate website as a general public contact point. If any negative impact on human rights becomes apparent through the contact point, we will immediately endeavor to provide appropriate remedies and correct the situation.

Handling of personal information

In order not to infringe on the privacy of individuals, we take great care in managing the personal information of our clients, users, business partners, employees, and all other parties involved in our business in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, other relevant laws and regulations, and our basic internal policy on personal information protection, "Privacy Policy”. We will not use such information for purposes other than those necessary for business.

Education and Training

Dip will engage in a wide range of human rights awareness activities to ensure that all executives and employees deepen their understanding of global issues related to human rights and the relationship between national and regional issues and our business activities. We will work to integrate our human rights policies into our overall business activities, and see that they are firmly established and effectively implemented.

Monitoring and Reporting

Dip will monitor the status of compliance with the Human Rights Policy and, through our corporate website, we will periodically disclose progress made on these important issues.

Enacted: December 16, 2020

Last revised: September 1, 2022