Shareholders Return
DIP considers profit distribution to stockholders to be one of its most important management tasks. The company intend to continue making stable profit distribution by setting a dividend standard in consideration of strategic business investment, consolidated business results, business prospects and dividend payout ratio.
Information about shareholder benefits
DIP has introduced a shareholder benefit program in order to enrich the experience of investing in DIP and encourage investors to hold our shares for the mid-long term.
(1)Eligible shareholders
The company provides shareholder rewards to holders of 100 shares or more as listed on the shareholder registry on the last day of February and August 31 every year.
(2)Details of shareholder benefits
The company provides original quo-card to shareholders.
・100 shares~500 shares original quo-card(500 yen)
・Over 500 shares original quo-card(1,000 yen)
(3)Timing of the benefits
Year-end shareholder benefit:An original quo-card gift will be enclosed with the "Receipt of Year-end Dividend" communication sent to shareholders.
Mid-term shareholder benefit:An original quo-card gift will be enclosed with "Receipt of Internal Dividend” communication sent to shareholders.